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Author Archives: Ros
Explore the Past – at Worcestershire
If you have Worcestershire ancestors, or are particularly interested in Worcestershire history or archaeology, then consider yourself lucky. The Worcestershire Archives (at The Hive ), have an excellent service, Explore the Past, to help you work out what documents you … Continue reading
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Tracing Your Ancestors in the UK – My new eBook
For all you people out there who are struggling to get started with your ancestry, my new eBook, downloadable on Amazon Kindle, may be just the thing to help get you going, and avoiding some of the pitfalls of amateur … Continue reading
Posted in Getting Started
Tagged british ancestry, tracing ancestors, tracing your ancestors, UK ancestors
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My New Historical Novel – Isobel Brite
You probably know that I am a writer as well as a genealogist, and so I am happy to post here that I published my new historical novel, Isobel Brite, just before Christmas. It’s been a long time in the making. … Continue reading
The International Genealogical Index – What is it and how do you use it?
Once upon a time, before the internet, when you had laboriously gone through the original parish registers at the local record office, and found your ancestor missing, your next port of call would be to look at the International Genealogical … Continue reading
Brick Walls – 5 Actions to take when you have too many results
It is not always possible to find out which, of all the many possibilities, is your ancestor. However, there are some strategies you can try which may lead you to the right one. The following actions are what I usually try when attempting to break through this particular brick wall: Continue reading
The Life of a Victorian Actress
In a time when women were more or less the property of men, actresses, and other female entertainers, had a rather unique place in society. Following a ‘profession’, the kind of career choice that was barred to most women, gave the actress an autonomy that has more similarities to a woman of the late 20th century than those of her own age. Continue reading
Visiting Your Ancestors
When you are next thinking about where to go on holiday, why not try an ancestral trail, and visit the homes and places where your ancestors lived and worked? If you have done a lot of research, and have some … Continue reading
Posted in Background research
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Brick Walls: Unknown Birthplace
One of the most frustrating brick walls in genealogy is when you cannot find an ancestor in the local baptism registers, and they have died before the 1851 census when specific places of birth were given. You might even have … Continue reading
Posted in Brick Walls
Short History of Immigration in the UK and how to search the records
In the light of recent political events, immigration is a subject that has been very much on my mind lately. While not wishing to get on any kind of political soap box here, as a professional genealogist I am very aware that many, if not most, of us are the descendants of immigrants, without, perhaps, even realising it. Continue reading
Brexit, Trump and Pandora’s Box – some thoughts on 2016
This is a little bit of a deviation from the usual subject matter of genealogy here. But in the aftermath of the American Election, I felt the need to put pen to paper and post it somewhere. However, it does … Continue reading
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