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Category Archives: Genealogy – general
Genealogy UK
Tracing ancestors is an extremely popular hobby in the United States and Australia, where you can quickly learn what records you need, where to find them and how to use them. But sooner or later, many, or most, people are … Continue reading
Posted in Genealogy - general
Tagged Ancestors, genealogist uk, genealogy uk, tracing ancestors
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Ten Things Every Professional Genealogist Should Have
If you’ve carried out some genealogical research on your own family, and are thinking about becoming a professional genealogist, then welcome to an extremely fascinating career, full of variety and surprises! But before you plunge in, have a look at my list of ten things you will need, based on my own experience after nearly twenty years in the business. Continue reading
Why is Genealogy Important?
The interest in genealogy has exploded over the last few decades, and that is partly because the internet has made it much easier to research many of our ancestors from the comfort of our homes. Motivation to start the search has also come from programmes such as Who Do You Think You Are, which has proved popular on both sides of the Atlantic.
Buy why are we so fascinated by our ancestors? Why genealogy important in our lives? Continue reading